- He clearly has been saying "mama" and "dada" for about 2 months or so. There is a little game we play in the car, he starts saying (or yelling, we all know he is LOUD) "mamamamamama" over and over again and I start yelling back "caleb, caleb, caleb", then he begins to laugh. Hey, whatever makes your child laugh is worth doing. Besides that, I have gotten use to his loud voice.
- Caleb has also been saying "bubu" for about the same amount of time also. But just within the last week he has started occasionally saying "bice" when he is in Bryce's room or when Bryce walks by.
- "wa tis" is the big one that is said to everything. We have come to the understanding that he must be saying, "what's this?". He points at everything or shows you things and says it.
- "Ba" has taken on the word ball over the last day. I don't know how long and how many MILLIONS of times I have said " ball" to Caleb, thinking that would be an easy one to pick up. But he finally is getting it.
- "ta tu", yes that was thank you! YIPPEEEE! As of only moments ago he handed me a towel I was asking for and he told me "ta tu". Good boy! If this is the only word he says for the next month i will be satisfied....of course I guess we need to work on "please" also.
I think the next word on the list is going to be our neighbors dog's name, Jetta. He points and chases her around on a daily basis.
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