Friday, May 29, 2009

Mommy's little cleaner

This is too cute! Caleb has never been afraid of the vaccuum cleaner, if anything he would like to ride on it. So when he discovered the power button, his curiousity got the best of him.

Running over from another busy day

My little Lego fanatic son, Bryce. We decided to get Bryce a good little collection of Lego Star Wars kits for him to enjoy over the summer. He has been "admiring" them for several months now EVERY TIME we go to the store. He is so excited about them and keeps saying how he "can't believe" that he has 4 new Star Wars kits. So now the obsession can continue. Every morning, afternoon and night I catch him in his room constructing a war ship. I know little boys have their own obsessions in stages, but Bryce eats, sleeps, and drinks Star Wars! Here is a glimpse of the pics he wanted to take to post onto Lego there is a website for this :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A New Trial Run

Today is a new day, Dara is going to start a blog for all to see. I must give the props to my friend Sarah, who has inspired me to better track my children's lives now that we live away from our friends and family. I do, however, have a website with pictures posted at for those who haven't been there. You are more than welcome to visit and see updated pictures. I vow to to my best to update both of these websites with all of the new and exciting things that are happening in our lives.